Channel Name: 佛衛慈悲台
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臺灣佛衛電視慈悲臺創辦於1996年,乃臺灣首家弘法電視臺,本著“無緣大慈,同體大悲”之精神,落實“弘法、教育、服務之理念”,成就空中弘法之誌業。慈悲臺總裁為心田長老、臺長法藏法師、副臺長界雲法師。佛衛慈悲臺堅持宏法大願,不買賣佛衛電視慈悲臺時段,並邀約有共同理念法師共同維持佛衛電視慈悲臺的營運, 如此的理想讓心田法師花費了七、 八千萬投入佛衛電視慈悲臺這個無金錢回饋只有法喜的弘業。
1、Double tap the player or tap the full screen button to watch in full screen;
2、The default line cannot be played and can be switched to other lines;
3、The computer cannot watch, please use your mobile phone to scan the QR code to watch;
4、Loading may be slow due to the line, please be patient;
5、If it cannot be played, try switching between normal or SSL encrypted channels.
Declaration: This website only provides online playback services, and signal sources are collected from the internet without any storage or production. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it! Email: teeevepw # (#=@)
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